EOFT 03/04


Hard rides, high jumps - Focused shows freeskiing at its best. Enjoy the fantastic performance of the world-famous freeskiers and slopestylers. Shot on 16mm film in ski resorts all over North America. Definitely a must see for everybody who likes to ski!

Film information

Length: 8 min
With: Seth Morrison, Shane McConkey, CR Johnson, Eric Pollard
Production: Matchstick Productions, USA, 2003

Generation "L" - David Lama

David Lama - a name you should keep in mind! With his Nepalese dad and his Austrian mom he seems to have all the attributes to become a great climber. Fortunately the legendary mountaineer Peter Habeler discovered this up-and-coming talent. In March 2003 David climbed his first 8b+ (Route Haleboop) in Arco/Massone (Italy).

Film information

Length: 13 min
Direction: Georg Deghan
With: David Lama
Production: Moving Adventures Medien, Deutschland, Österreich, 2003


In Eastern Europe there are lots of mountains and buttes which are too slik for climbing. But you can have your fun anyway - with Rock Jumping! The idea of Rock Jumping is not new. The young Polish sportsmen in this film rediscover an old tradition which has been established back in the 70s. Jumping form rock to rock over a distance of about 4 or 5 meters is a very tough business - especially when the ground is 30 meters below you! Hybrida - a film from freaks for freaks.

Paddle alert

Kajaker and film-maker Olaf Obsommer shows us a group of young Austrian whitewater kajakers who have been kajaking in a very rough way even 30 years ago. Paddle Alert mixes the old super 8 shots and new pictures of the "Nussdorfer Kajak Crew". And you can see: There has been a development in extremely kajaking!

Film information

Length: 3 min
Direction: Olaf Obsommer
With: Nußdorfer Kajak-WG
Production: Big-O-Productions, Deutschland, 2003

Pororoca - Surfing the Amazon

It is going to be the most exotic surftrip ever: Carlos Burle and Ross Clarke-Jones want to ride the Pororca, a tidal bore which waves up to 4 meters high on the Amazon River.

Film information

Length: 20 min
Direction: Bill Heath
With: Carlos Burle, Ross Clarke-Jones
Production: Helliventures Filmproduktion, 2003

Yenisey River Expedition

The first ever descent, from source to sea, of the 5540 kilometre Yenisey River, set against a backdrop of fairytale cultures and forbidding wilderness. The Yenisey River is born in the heart of Mongolia and flows north, through Siberia, and on the the Arctic Ocean. It is the fifth longest river on the planet , and at the arrival of the new millennium no one had ever navigated its entirety.

Colin Angus, along with his adventuring friends, Ben Kozel, Remy Quinter and Tim Cope, endeavored to be the first to run the Yenisey. The 5,540 km river is frozen for more than half the year, so the small team would have just a five month window to accomplish this feat. Dramatic footage captures their successful journey and provides an intimate perspective of a frozen nation emerging from the collapse of communism.

Film information

Length: 30 min
Direction: Colin Angus
With: Colin Angus, Ben Kozel, Remy Quinter, Tim Coperlos Burle, Ross Clarke-Jones
Production: Angus Adventures, Russland, 2003